Learning Opportunities

SAIL 2024: Finding Our Purpose; Finding our People (Student Leadership Conference)

Presented By

Student Leaders, Dr. Rick Gilson, Jason Kupery & Alison Springer

Series Sessions

Date Time
Wednesday, May 22, 2024 9:00 AM - 2:30 PM


Lethbridge College 3000 College Dr S, Lethbridge, AB

Grade Levels

Grades 10 - 12

SAIL 2024: Find Our Purpose; Find Our People

This student-driven leadership conference of the Southern Alberta Interscholastic Leadership team is open to students across Southern Alberta particularly targeting students currently in grades 9-11 who are intending to be in leadership classes, leadership groups/teams at their school next year. 

The students who will be presenting at breakout sessions have developed sessions to explore and support challenges in personal well-being, development as a leader, developing an inclusive school community, the realities of "team spirit", Sharing leadership initiatives, building unity and connection and so much more. 

Students (and their advisors) will experience a full day of learning and activities for students engaged in leadership work at their schools and teachers.  

The Keynote and sessions are designed to provide all participants with ideas and directions to take back to their schools as they work to conclude the 2023-24 school year and prepare for leadership activities for 2024-2025.  

The Day at a Glance
9:00 - 10:00 Greetings and Keynote: Alison Springer: Recipient of the Women of Inspiration Award

10:15 - 11:00 Breakout One

11:15 - 12:00 Breakout Two

12:00 - 12:45 Lunch Provided at Lethbridge College 

1:00 - 1:45 - Breakout Three

2:00 - 2:30 Closing Learnings and Invitation to Impact 

 As mentioned above, besides the Keynote presentation, teams from Lethbridge Public, Livingstone Range, Palliser and Horizon School Division High Schools have worked over the year and created a series of breakouts.

Participants will be assigned to groups and rotate three times to different breakouts.  We encourage schools to bring students who will be returning to your high school for 2024-25 so that they can take what they learn and weave it into their work for the next year.  As we have far more groups presenting than breakout times, the intent is to have someone from each school attend in mixed groups a diverse # of sessions and share what they learned with their schoolmates to get the broadest exposure to as many presentations as possible.

The organizing team invites high schools not actively involved in the planning and breakout session development to send a group of student leaders and their advisors to join us for this great learning opportunity and day at Lethbridge College. 




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